Home Vector Surgical Mammagard Quill Instruments Contact Us

Q-Surgical ltd is a dynamic company specialising in innovative theatre devices.

Q Surgical Limited
Unit 45,
Guest Avenue,
Emersons Green,
BS16 7GA.

email : info@q-surgical.com

Tel : 0870 312 1967

Fax: 0870 312 1964

Mob: 07551005794

Company no : 6746210

VAT registration no : 941892104


Q-surgical ltd is a dynamic company specialising in innovative theatre devices for use within the healthcare industry. We have over 40 years sales experience and over 16 years clinical expertise including Orthopaedics, Plastics, Gynaecology, Urology, Anaesthetics and Paediatrics. Our team are committed to providing a high level of clinical support. As an approved Quill distributor, we are the sole supplier for all Quill goods in the UK (excluding Ireland), e.g. Quill suture, barbed suture etc